Data entry
Seems appealing
Relief from thought and constant feeling
But if your brain is wired for new
You'll crave
Expression, color, hue
The artists way, a tricky path
Led by heart
No rules, all craft
Making things
Driving things
Selling things
Having dreams
Leading teams
Designing schemes
Take heart, my friend, your work is good
Your labour is your livelihood
A battlefield not understood
By those who fear ideas, who should
But I can see you
Railing on
Creating worlds
That you have drawn
Making a difference
Standing up, proud
Starting from nothing, dreaming aloud
And so we march, hand in hand
We answer to no-one
We're banishing bland
Drawn to this calling, we squirm, we embrace
The risks and the struggles
The fear and the space
For in this work, we find our home
Our truest selves, set free, can roam
Keep going, e hoa
Kia kaha, my friend
With each creation, you extend
A hand to the others
Who travel this road
Inspiring them to follow
Dreams of their own.
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