Friday Flurry: People eat takeaways because they're tired, not because they're lazy.
How late-stage capitalism and modern family structures keeps Dominos in business
I have 50/50 care of my three children (8,13,17) on a week on/ week off arrangement. This feels like it could or should provide work-life balance, but instead creates a treadmill of two opposites for my lovely ex-husband/ co-parent and I.
The weeks they’re with us, we work school hours.
The weeks they’re not, we work all the hours.
The weeks they’re with us, we run around like mad trying to coordinate pick-ups, drop-offs, errands, friends, activities, and dinners for three kids at three different schools.
The weeks they’re not, we cram in everything else so we can stay gainfully employed, but still inevitably find ourselves making space for a parent-teacher interview, appointment, or event.
It’s the best of both worlds, and it’s the worst of both worlds.